
May 2015

realtime reactive VJ software

Gravity Current’s Synesthesia

In June 2015 I worked with Gravity Current on their new Synesthesia software for live reactive visuals. For this project I created two “Scenes” that played at a couple of shows in Austin:

Looper’s night @ Strange Brew

Featured my reaction diffusion system ported to C++ OpenGL with a render-to-texture feedback loop for simulation. This was a sweet event not only because of all the talented musicians, but we were able to get MIDI data from the loop pedals into Synesthesia and trigger different layers based on which loops were going.

Shows Benefiting Austin Music Foundation @ Cheer up Charlie’s

this featured a 1M point particle system which was animated using a vertex shader and frequency information from three musicians and the drummer! This resulted in visualizing many different instrument’s audio separately on the same screen - with a little bit of curl noise for some smoke / fluid / noise effects.

Gravity current is not doing shows anymore and is hard at work getting Synesthesia prepped for launch early next year. I look forward to building some more Scenes for their amazing software in the future!

UPDATE December 2016:

Synesthesia is out of beta and available for download! Check out Synesthesia
